Restoring the Balance of Power to Barnstable County

Restoring the Balance of Power to Barnstable County

Printed in the Falmouth Enterprise as Guest Commentary In 1988, recognizing that a lot more could be done by setting aside our differences than by going it alone, voters of Cape Cod embarked on a lofty project: to overcome the most significant issues facing our region...
Staying Afloat in the Wastewater Crisis

Staying Afloat in the Wastewater Crisis

The Issue Few things have garnered as much consistent attention on Cape Cod as our wastewater crisis. From protecting our fragile ecosystem, to maintaining our economy, and facing our housing crisis, all these issues have become fundamentally intertwined with the...
Letter: Vote The Entire Ballot

Letter: Vote The Entire Ballot

I turned 20 this year, and this may be one of the most memorable and strangest years of my entire life. 2020 is going to be one for the books. From a global pandemic to a recession and a national reckoning on race relations, it is only deserving that it will culminate...
Youth Exodus: The Silent Crisis on Cape Cod

Youth Exodus: The Silent Crisis on Cape Cod

On June 18th, Falmouth Hospital submitted plans to close down its maternity ward, a place that to me as well as to many others in our town was the first place we took a breath of air as we entered this world. Many were disappointed by this decision, though it was...